Watch videos and recordings including the keynotes by Kate Raworth, Mamphela Ramphele and Garry Jacobs
The economy and sustainability have long been considered enemies. Meanwhile, "our citizens of 2050 are educated in (economic) frameworks that stem from textbooks from 1950, which in turn are based on theories from 1850. As a result, we have created economies that must grow, whether they make us and our planet thrive or not." According to Kate Raworth, it does not matter whether the economy grows or not, as long as it provides "a safe and just place for humanity". In the end, that is exactly what transformative learning for sustainable development wants to achieve; (higher) education must reconnect with the current generation, the century we live in and the challenges we face!
The HIGHER EDUCATION SUMMIT in 2021 and 2022 focused on research- and practice-related issues to realize an economy that strives for a safe and just world for everyone, within our planetary boundaries.
This international conference was the meeting point for changemakers in the field of transformative learning for sustainable development within higher education.
After the successful previous editions, Hasselt University (Belgium) hosted and organized the HIGHER EDUCATION SUMMIT in 2021 and 2022 together with the COPERNICUS Aliance, and with support of Vrije Universiteit Brussel, werecircle and Duurzaam Educatiepunt.
Due to the uncertainty about the Covid-19 pandemic, we held the summit in 2021 online as a teaser for the physical conference in 2022. The online teaser on 9 December 2021 was a "warm-up" for the physical conference, which took place from 6-8 September 2022 in Hasselt, Belgium.
During the online teaser on 9 December 2021, we discussed a whole afternoon about what the future could look like, how we can adapt to make it happen and how education can foster this. Kate Raworth, Mamphela Ramphele and Garry Jacobs provided pre-recorded speeches beforehand and joined the live debate during the online event.
In addition we offered interactive workshops and interesting short videos. At the end, various (local) actors from society (students, professors, companies, organizations, etc.) were brought together for a live debate about issues raised and insights provided in our local, cosy studio in Hasselt, Belgium.
⭢ You can watch recordings of the whole event here.
From 6-8 September 2022, Hasselt University opened its doors for a three-day physical conference in Belgium. Debates that were started during the online teaser continued on site. The program offered plenary sessions, interactive workshops, inspiring talks, lots of networking opportunities and thought-provoking keynotes by Guia Bianchi, Sam de Muijnck, Vivek Gilani, Liesbeth Huybrechts, Kate Raworth, Gustavo Rodriguez, Olivia Rutazibwa, Stephen Sterling, Lilian Trechsel and Renate Wesselink.
The third day was dedicated to an excursion to the Nationaal Park Hoge Kempen and a visit to the Ecotron project by Hasselt University.
The HIGHER EDUCATION SUMMIT 2021 was organized by Hasselt University and the COPERNICUS Alliance.
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