Experts and researchers from all around the world
Marco Frey is full professor of Economics and Business Management, pro-rector of the Third Mission and Technology Transfer, director of the Sustainability Research Laboratory (SuM) at the Scuola Universitaria Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa. He is President of the Global Compact Italia Foundation, a body of United Nations and of the Scientific Committee of Symbola, Vice-President of the Minoprio Foundation, and a member of the Scientific Committee of the CDP Foundation. He has published more than 400 contributions relating to his research, including environmental management, economics and management of renewable energy, corporate social responsibility, environmental and social communication.
Enrico Giovannini is Professor of Economic Statistics and Policies for Sustainable Development at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" and member of numerous boards of foundations and national and international organizations. He was chief statistician of the OECD from 2001 to 2009, and president of ISTAT from 2009 to 2013. He was Minister of Labour and Social Policies from 2013 to 2014 and Minister for Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility from 2021 to 2022. He is co-founder and scientific director of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASViS).
Professor Juanita Johnson-Bailey is a member of the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame, which specializes in researching race and gender in education and workplace settings. She is the Centennial Professor in Women’s Studies at University of Georgia, where she also holds the Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professorship and the title of Distinguished University Professor. Her significant contributions to the literature in adult education, higher education and women’s studies include publications in: Harvard Educational Review, Teachers College Record, the Journal of Higher Education, and the Journal of Negro Education.
Isabel Rimanoczy, Ed.D., has made it her life purpose to promote change accelerators. For the past 18 years she has been focused on exploring the components of a Sustainability Mindset, how to develop it and how to assess it. She identified 12 Sustainability Mindset Principles, a framework to accelerate the adoption of sustainable behaviors. She is the convener of the PRME Working Group on the Sustainability Mindset, a global network of academics promoting an evolutionary shift in consciousness. Isabel authored 27 books, and co-developed the Sustainability Mindset Indicator, which was awarded three prizes in 2019 and 2021, at Reimagine Education.
Umesh Sharma is a Professor in the Faculty of Education at Monash University, Australia where he is the Associate Dean (Equity and Inclusion). Umesh’s research has examined why children with disability and challenging behaviors are frequently excluded from schools and how we can reform the school sector to include them in our schools and society. His research spans over 25 countries including India, Pakistan, China, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Samoa as well as Australia, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Canada, USA and New Zealand. He is the chief co-editor of the Australasian Journal of Special Education and the Oxford Encyclopedia of Inclusive and Special Education. He has authored over 200 academic articles, and book chapters and edited books that focus on various aspects of educating children in inclusive classrooms. His co-authored book “A Guide to Promoting a Positive Classroom Environment” was the recipient of the International Book Prize Award from the Exceptionality Education International. He received the award of Australia’s National Field Leader (a top rating for a researcher in their respective fields) in 2019, 2022 and 2023 in “Special Education”. In 2023, he was also named the Field Leader in Teaching and Teacher Education. The Field Leaders are identified using a rigorous process based on the impact of a researcher’s work locally and internationally by the Australian Chief Scientist. He is advisor to various Ministries of Education in the Asia Pacific region. He is also a member of the International Scientific Committee of the School of Higher Education of the Italian Ministry of Education.
Arjen Wals is a Professor of Transformative Learning for Socio-Ecological Sustainability at Wageningen University where he also holds the UNESCO Chair of Social Learning and Sustainable Development. Furthermore, he is a Guest Professor at the Norwegian University for the Life Sciences (NMBU). He work on enabling, supporting and assessing ecologies of learning that foster sustainable living by inviting more relational, ethical and critical ways of knowing and being. Much of his research focuses on the development of Whole University Approaches to sustainability and the decolonization of education. He writes a regular blog that signals developments in the emerging field of sustainability education: www.transformativelearning.nl
The 2024 HIGHER EDUCATION SUMMIT is organized by
the University of Padua and the COPERNICUS Alliance.
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