- Pernilla Andersson, Stockholm University
- Christoph Bader, University of Bern
- Kim Ceulemans, Toulouse Business School
- Mario Diethart, University of Graz, COPERNICUS Alliance
- Yolan Gielen, Duurzaam Educatiepunt Vlaanderen
- Elisabeth Hofmann, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, COPERNICUS Alliance
- Tom Kuppens, Hasselt University, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, COPERNICUS Alliance
- Wim Lambrechts, Open Universiteit Nederland
- Rodrigo Lozano, University of Gävle
- Clemens Mader, RCE Zurich
- Marilyn Mehlmann, Legacy17
- Ingrid Molderez, KU Leuven
- Ingrid Mulà, University of Girona
- Ingeborg Placklé, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, PXL
- Anne Snick, Independent Researcher
- Eglė Staniškienė, Kaunas University of Technology, COPERNICUS Alliance
- Daniella Tilbury, HM Government of Gibraltar
- Lilian Julia Trechsel, University of Bern
- Katrien van Poeck, Ghent University
- Griet Verbeeck, Hasselt University
- Anne Zimmermann, University of Bern
The HIGHER EDUCATION SUMMIT 2022 was organized by
Hasselt University and the COPERNICUS Alliance
with support of Vrije Universiteit Brussel, werecircle
and Duurzaam Educatiepunt.If you have any questions, please contact: